Thursday, December 12, 2013

I call him Angry Bird

This batch of chicks is something new and i do not know what to expect. Their father now 1st molt 9.2" mother also 1st molt 6.4" how long will they be in future is what me and my kakis keen to know.

To me so long they are living things there will be difference even if they come from same parent. We can only hope for the best and pray that they turn out to be what we imagined/guess the pairing could produce.

The other thing i want to bring up is;

Competition fairness to Long tail and Standard tail shama.

Although i am not into birds Competition but i do get lots of discussion about it as many of my kakis is into it.

I would like to suggest that maybe competition organiser could either put the two types of birds into two Category lets say Long vs Long, Standard vs Standard. Reason is both shama have similar body frame but different in tail lenght, for the same amount of body/rump muscle if put together with the same amount of duration to compete the one with almost double the tail lenght will never out last the standard tail lenght bird unless that Long tail shama is super bird or infact crazy. Haha...! And also some organiser now a days do give point to appearance, which in this way the Standard tail shama owner might feel the pinch even if the organiser says tail lenght does not affect their judgement.

What i am trying to say is that in general the Longer tail guy would need double the effort to flick its tail compared to his standard tail competitor. If disagree, one can always try it out themself at home by using his wrist power to flick a 5 feet broom stick vs flicking a cloths hanger bamboo you will know what i mean... Hee hee!

Or the other way to shorten the competing duration meeting half cause not every Competition we can have sufficient volume of birds to participate.

I hope that one day competition can be that way, which in general will also reduce many unnessary complain about the advantage or disadvantage be it Long genes or Standard genes.

Just my thoughts no offence...


  1. The taimong is very cute. Hehehe

