Thursday, January 17, 2013

What i am looking for in Shama breeding program

This is Howitzer.
He is born in early 2012,  he has a brother "Gunner" and a Sister. They are the only three bird from one of my breeding pair...since about three months old i know i got myself something good as to how good i can't be sure at that time. Now i know they are indeed pretty good!

In to the main topic, both Howitzer and Gunner has or comes near to the first crucial requirement of what i am looking for in Shama. The Character.

Character is very important when it comes to birds like Shama, Magpie, China thrush etc...
Only with strong character, the rest of the requirements will then fall into place.

For example Singing,
Many of us will know the birds sing much lesser or don't sing when there is no form. Some birds with with softer character won't put in their best effort to sing even when their form is there.  Whereas birds with strong character gain their form faster after moult and they will sing the whole day even more aggressive singing if being challenged by another bird.

With that kind of character in them, ofcourse they will be swift, bright and active. the highly driven testosterone bird will want to win the battle by displaying more action.

Although structure depends on genes but even if the bird's structure is not tip top with their activeness their muscle will all be tone up. It make the bird look slim and fit and coupled with the action of display, proud pose and behaviour it will cover most of his flaws..

So to me the Character should be the main important factor when it comes to choice of breeding stud. In years to come i hope i improve my bird quality a little bit each year starting from Howitzer and Gunner! hee hee....!


  1. I agree with your purpose in breeding shama, it is shows that you have a visian in breedng. but in Indonesia is a little bit difference, I think the singing is the first factor to be valued, of course supporting by the strong character. A bird with strong character but have a bad singing (always repeating the same boring soft tone) will lost in a battle. The shama with strong character, beautiful loud singing, good indurance so able to sing from start to finish, and etc. will be my concern. Briefly, a shama with perfect singing. A perfect shama will keep on singing with loud and long variatif singing in a battle because having a good endurance, strong character so have no fear to intimidate or being intimidated by other shama birds. BTW whatever our vision in breeding shama the important thing is the hope that shama will not extinct. peace.

  2. Hi MrKidnef,

    In Singapore it is the same when it come to shama song and many other song birds.. Mono tone(repeating)is not accepted as well. But we don't see much Shama that repeat a few notes here in Singapore especially the Captive Bred.

    Shama is a very interesting bird, personally i find that their effort on singing depends on many factors and individual behaviour too. Some their form will shoot up way high midst of moult and drop a little when moult complete then it slowly goes up again. Some have to wait after their second moult to see their full potential in character but some already very aggressive from first moult. Some look so dull and timid at Taimong age but it become the most aggressive and smart looking chap after first moult whereas the potential chick might become not as good after moult. probably due to lack of something during moult that is the best guess so far... there are far too many X factors when it come to living things. We can only keep trying to solve possible cause and keep learning as we go.

    Alan Pang
